Monday, December 20, 2010

Copywriting Ain't Easy...

Well, this has been awhile. A lot has happened since the last time we all spoke. Winter has hit, how depressing. With that behind me life has been a carousel. Work has left me with not so many days of internet work done.

I have recently started dabbling into the art of copywriting. The whole idea is INCREDIBLY interesting, and jobs and money seems easier to come by! I have already have had three clients and made three emails for $97 a piece!

The thing is about copywriting is that it takes some serious skill in selling products. You can't be an everyday article writer to make a sales copy. It takes time and effort, trial and error to see what really works. More questions? Just comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Do you telecommute or go into the office? I would like to copywrite from home.
